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I've been asked a time or two when it was that I truly became enthralled in birds. But diving into my past I really can't be sure. In 2008, as I studied to become a Community Support Worker, I got hired at Wild Birds Unlimited in Winnipeg as a retail assistant. The store specialized in feeding, bathing, housing etc of Wild Birds. I was there for roughly 5 and a half years, I met tons of like minded individuals and my knowledge of birds flourished.
2010 was when I got my first bird, a Cockatiel named Temperance. Then a day later came my first Canary, Phillip. A week after that came Maybel, a neglected female zebra finch. And so on and so on. That October I found and joined the Manitoba Canary and Finch Club, a place where all my finch and canary questions could be answered, and I could grow my knowledge base on domestic aviculture with experienced hobbyists.
In the fall of 2012, I became the Education Coordinator for Prairie Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre. I worked with many education animals such as owls, falcons, rabbits, a snake, a woodchuck, and even an arctic fox. I transported these animals to different venues. Schools, museums, university classes, retirement homes, birthday parties and more to educate the public on the species, habitats and overall programs they were wishing to learn. My adventure with PWRC ended in the Fall of 2015 and I soon began a new adventure into motherhood. All the while in my home life I was raising a small flock into a very large one.
The All Things Feathered flock currently contains Finches, Canaries, Budgies, Cockatiels, Lovebirds, a Sun, Green Cheek and Pineapple Conure as well as a Parrotlet and a Coturnix Quail. The majority of these birds are rescues but some have been hatched under our care, either parent raised or hand reared by us as their "grand-bird-ents".
All Things Feathered is a company I came up with in 2011 when I became frustrated with the lack of accessibility for bird owners such as yourselves. Avian vets, medications, sprays/dusts, high quality cages, pellets, seed blends, dishes, literature, toys are just some of the things not easily found in Manitoba. I was determined then, and I am determined now, to bring you what you've been searching for! KNOWLEDGE, EXPERIENCE & QUALITY HEALTH SUPPLEMENTS!!!
These days, no one has time to be searching the internet for hours trying to find the closest bird vet, wildlife rescue or the ever so search to diagnose why your beloved canary is fluffy on the bottom of the cage. This is what I am best at, helping people find the resources and information they need quickly for their birds! Birds are very fragile creatures, if you are faced with a health problem, you know you don't have a lot of time to act. My goal is to help you pinpoint what you need for your feathered friend, help you decide what course of action you need to take (be it with a new cage set up, introducing a new bird/mate or upgrading your current setups) and when needed I will be there to connect you to the people you want to network with regarding everything aviculture!
Have a look thru our Flock Gallery for pictures of current, past and upcoming flock members, check back for up-to-date resources such as shops and other businesses related to birding and click frequently on our product shop menu page as new items are always being added and updated!
I look forward to you joining the flock!
Best Wishes... All Things Feathered.
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